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March 15, 2025
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Minutes for SB44 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Pensions

Short Title

Enacting the Kansas financial institutions information security act.

Minutes Content for Mon, Mar 6, 2023

Chair Hoheisel opened the hearing on SB 44, recognized David Wiese, Senior Assistant Revisor, Office of Revisor of Statutes, who provided an overview on SB 44(Attachment1) A brief question and answer period followed.

Proponent - Chair Hoheisel recognized Kylee Fine, IT Examination Manager, Office of the State Bank Commissioner, who provided testimony in support of SB 44. (Attachment2)  Brock Roehler, General Counsel, OSBC assisted Kylee Fine during a brief question and answer period.

Neutral - None

Opponent - None

Chair Hoheisel closed the hearing on SB 44.

An email dated March 6, 2023 was received from Brock Roehler, General Counsel, Office of the State Bank Commissioner, (after the meeting) regarding a response to a question presented during the SB 44 hearing.  Mr. Roehler response was then shared will all Financial Institutions and Pensions Committee members and staff (via email), added to 4Committee drive and posted to the Kansas Legislative website. (Attachment3)