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March 15, 2025
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Minutes for SB83 - Committee on K-12 Education Budget

Short Title

Providing additional student eligibility under the tax credit for low income students scholarship program and increasing the amount of the tax credit for contributions made pursuant to such program.

Minutes Content for Mon, Mar 6, 2023

The Chair opened SB 83 for final action.

Representative Landwehr motioned to strike all contents of SB 83 and insert the contents of HB 2218, Representative Thomas seconded, motion carried.

Discussion ensued.

Representative Williams presented a technical amendment that would make clarifications and implement a start date.

Representative Williams motioned to adopt the technical amendment as presented, Representative Schmoe seconded, motion carried (Attachment 1).

Discussion ensued.


Representative Ousley called the question to end working SB 83.

The Chair indicated a vote was needed to end debate and clarified a "yea" vote would end the committee's discussion on SB 83.

A "nay" vote would allow the committee to continue working SB 83.

The “nay” votes prevailed.

Representative Boyd, Representative Ousley, Representative Poskin, and Representative Winn requested their "yea" vote be recorded


Representative Landwehr presented an amendment regarding preschool student eligibility, phase-in eligibility, and students with disabilities.

Representative Landwehr motioned to adopt the amendment as presented, Representative Estes seconded, motion carried (Attachment 2).

Discussion ensued.

Representative Estes presented an amendment regarding salary increases for licensed teachers.

Representative Estes motioned to adopt the amendment as presented, Representative Johnson seconded, motion carried (Attachment 3).

Representative Estes, Representative Goetz, Representative Hill, Representative Johnson, Representative Landwehr, Representative Schmoe, Representative Thomas, Representative Williams requested their "yea" votes be recorded.

Representative Winn requested her "nay" vote be recorded.

Discussion ensued.

Representative Goetz presented an amendment regarding the appropriation of special education state aid and establishing a special education funding task force.

Representative Goetz motioned to adopt the amendment as presented, Representative Landwehr seconded, motion carried (Attachment 4).

Discussion ensued.

Representative Hill presented an amendment regarding the authorization of small school districts to use the highest enrollment from the prior four years.

Representative Hill motioned to adopt the amendment as presented, Representative Estes seconded, motion carried (Attachment 5).

Discussion ensued.

Representative Landwehr motioned to make a House Substitute for SB 83 with amendments to be passed out favorably, Representative Goetz seconded, motion carried.

Representative Goetz and Representative Hill requested their "yea" votes be recorded.

Representative Boyd, Representative Ousley, Representative Poskin, and Representative Winn requested their "nay" vote be recorded.

Meeting adjourned at 4:15 PM.

Next meeting is March 7th, 2023.