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Minutes for HB2093 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance
Short Title
Discontinuing payments to certain group-funded insurance pools, refunding existing balances thereof and abolishing such funds and establishing the group-funded pools refund fund.
Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 1, 2023
Chairperson Longbine opened the meeting by greeting staff and members. Senators Gossage, Holscher, and Pittman attended virtually via Webex. The Chairperson opened the hearing on HB2093.
Eileen Ma, Assistant Revisor, Kansas Revisor of Statutes Office (ROS) presented a Memorandum brief on the bill. She told members that HB2093 was identical to SB28. It passed the House on February 16, 2023 by 120-1. (Attachment 1) Since the House and Senate bills were identical, Chairperson Longbine requested that Ms. Ma create an amendment changing the enactment date, so that the bill can be scheduled sooner.
Eric Turek, Director, Government and Public Affairs, Kansas Insurance Department (KID) presented oral proponent testimony on the bill, which was requested by KID. (Attachment 2)
Seeing no questions or comments, and no other proponent, opponent, or neutral testimony was submitted, Chairperson Longbine closed the hearing on HB2093 and opened the hearing on HB2096.