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March 12, 2025
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Minutes for HB2184 - Committee on General Government Budget

Short Title

Abolishing the judicial council fund; transferring all moneys and liabilities of such fund to the state general fund; repealing the transfer of funds from docket fees to the judicial council fund; and transferring annually unencumbered funds from the publications fee fund to the state general fund.

Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 20, 2023

Chairperson Hoffman opened the hearing on HB2184.

Jessie Pringle briefed the Committee on HB2184(Attachment 1) She stood for questions.

Nancy Strouse, Executive Director, Kansas Judicial Council, spoke in support of HB2184. The bill would implement the agency's request to move away from fee funding and be funded by SGF. The transfer of docket fees to the Judicial Council would be eliminated. The Judicial Council's publication revenue will be transferred at the end of each fiscal year to the SGF. (Attachment 2) She stood for questions.

Discussion ensued.

Chairman Hoffman closed the hearing on HB2184.

Representative Rhiley moved, Representative Amyx seconded, to suspend House Rule 1308 in order to proceed with final action on HB2184. The motion carried.

Final action on:  HB2184 -- Abolishing the judicial council fund; transferring all moneys and liabilities of such fund to the state general fund; repealing the transfer of funds from docket fees to the judicial council fund; and transferring annually unencumbered funds from the publications fee fund to the state general fund.

Representative Rhiley moved, Representative Williams seconded, to recommend HB2184 favorably for passage. The motion carried.

Chairperson Hoffman adjourned the meeting at 4:08 p.m.