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Feb. 21, 2025
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Minutes for SB24 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance

Short Title

Changing the required number of employees contained in the definitions of "large employer" and "small employer" for purposes of coverage for autism spectrum disorder.

Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 20, 2023

Vice-Chairperson Michael Fagg greeted the members, staff and guests.  He also welcomed a group of visitors from Greenwood County, Kansas.  

He turned the committee's attention to SB24 and opened the hearing.


Eileen Ma, Assistant Revisor, Kansas Office of Revisor of Statutes (ROS) presented the Memorandum brief of the bill.    She responded to Senator Pittman's questions.    (Attachment 1)


Eric Turek, Director of Governmental and Public Affairs for the Kansas Insurance Department (KID), presented  oral testimony in favor of SB24 stating that this bill is a clean-up that is necessary to amend the definition of "small employer" to read "two but not more than 50" and would align it with the definition found in K.S.A. 40-2209d concerning general health insurance.  Subsequently, the definition of large employer would need to be adjusted to read " . . . an employer who employed an average of at least 51 employees. . .".   Mr. Turek also presented a history from 1997 to present that exemplifies the discrepancies in the definitions of  "small employer."    (Attachment 2)   Mr. Turek answered a question, and acknowledged comments from Senator Gossage, regarding two prior opponents that withdrew their opposition testimony and are now in favor of the bill. 


Vice-Chairperson Fagg pointed the Committee's attention to the written-only proponent testimony of Mike Wasmer, the Chief Operating Officer for the Council of Autism Service Providers, Olathe, Kansas.   (Attachment 3)


Seeing no other questions and no other proponent, opponent, or neutral testimony was submitted, Vice-Chairperson Fagg closed the hearing on SB24, and opened the hearing on SB119.