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Feb. 5, 2025
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Minutes for SB39 - Committee on Veterans and Military

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Directing the capitol preservation committee to develop and approve plans for a mural honoring the 1st Kansas (Colored) Voluntary Infantry regiment.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 16, 2023

Chairman Ellis asked the Revisor to brief the Committee on the contents of this bill. (Attachment 1) Afterward she stood for questions.

The Chairman recognized Senator Elaine Bowers as the proponent for this bill. (Attachment 2)  Senator Bowers introduced Patrick Zoellner, Chairman of the Preservation Committee and Frank Berman, Department of Administration. She discussed the 20-year delay in getting this project finalized and said passage of this bill will begin the process of completing the project. The Senator explained the work of the Restoration Committee which controls everything inside and outside the Capitol Complex. Senator Bowers said this bill is identical to HB2088 which was passed out favorably by the Committee. She stood for questions.

Chairman Ellis asked if there were any other proponents, opponents or neutrals.  There were none.  He asked if there was any discussion on this bill.  Representative Johnson moved to suspend the rules and proceed to emergency action. The motion was seconded by Representative Thompson, motion carried. Representative Johnson then moved favorable passage of SB39, seconded by Representative Thompson.  Motion carried.