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Minutes for HB2392 - Committee on Veterans and Military

Short Title

Updating the Kansas code of military justice relating to certain definitions, unlawful acts and punishment requirements thereof.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 16, 2023

The Chairman opened the hearing on HB2392. He asked the Revisor to brief the Committee on this bill. (Attachment 3) After the briefing the Revisor stood for questions.

Chairman Ellis recognized LTC Jacob Mcelwee, a Judge Advocate for the Kansas National Guard, as the proponent for this bill. (Attachment 4) According to LTC Mcelwee, since its enactment in 1951, the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) has undergone several major revisions.  Where once the Kansas Code of Military Justice (KCMJ) coexisted with UCMJ with similar language, the KCMJ has undergone only minor revisions since its enactment in the early 1900s. Therefore the KCMJ needs updating to serve the current needs of commanders. He said modernizing the KCMJ ensures that the men and women of the Kansas National Guard are subject to statutes that are consistent with the UCMJ, Army Regulations, and Air Force instructions. He stood for questions.

After all questions were answered an amendment was passed out to Members for the purpose of updating language and clarification. (Attachment 5) It also updates language on sexual harassment in the military.

The Chairman asked if there were any other proponents, or opponents or neutrals.  There were none so the Chairman closed the hearing on HB2392.