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Feb. 5, 2025
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Minutes for HB2314 - Committee on Legislative Modernization

Short Title

Prohibiting the use of the social media platform TikTok on state-owned devices and on any state network.

Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 13, 2023

The Chairperson opened the meeting with the hearing on HB2314, prohibiting the use of social media platform TikTok on any state-owned devices and networks.  The Revisor presented the bill brief on HB2314 to the committee.  (Attachment 1)  (Attachment 2)  A question-and-answer period followed.

The Chairperson invited proponent for HB2314, Representative Carpenter of district 81, to provide his reason for supporting the bill.  Proponent Carpenter stated the largest concern this bill addresses is giving the Chinese Communist Party access to our personal data.  He added that the executive branch had already banned Tik Tok on state devices and networks on December 30, 2022, when the governor issued executive order, EO 22-10.  HB2314 is very similar to the governor's executive order and would be backing it up with law.  A question and answer session followed.

Chairperson Wasinger asked if there were any opponents to this bill.  No one came forth as an opponent.  Chair Wasinger closed the hearing on HB2314.

Representative Carpenter moved to suspend the rule in order to work HB2314.  Motion was seconded by Representative Penn.  The motion carried.  Representative Stogsdill requested his 'nay' vote be recorded.

Discussion working HB2314 occurred.

Representative Penn moved and was seconded by Representative Murphy to pass favorably HB2314.  Motion was carried.  Representative Stogsdill requested his 'nay' vote be recorded.