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Minutes for HB2299 - Committee on Child Welfare and Foster Care

Short Title

Directing the secretary for children and families to consider foster parents as prospective adoptive parents under certain circumstances.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 8, 2023

The Chair opened the Hearing on HB2299 to amend orders of adoption.  Assistant Revisor, Jessie Pringle (Revisor) provided an overview of the bill.

The following provided proponent testimony

Kristalle Hedrick, Vice President Kansas Programs, FosterAdopt, Connect. This service organization believes this bill is a step in the right direction in terms of ensuring we continue to focus on the best interest of a child in regards to biological and sibling connections, as well as considering the value of safety and connection in existing caregiver relationships.(Attachment 1)    The conferee stood for questions.

Rachel Marsh, CEO Children's Alliance of Kansas.  All members of the Alliance work closely with youth and families to support them through the adoption process.  The Alliance believes this bill reflects a carefully considered approach to some longstanding concerns in adoption that have been voiced for multiple years.  (Attachment 2)    The conferee stood for questions.

The following provided proponent testimony, written only:

Angela Hedrick, LPC, and Vice President of Operations,  Kaw Valley Centers, Kansas. (Attachment 3) 

Kerrie Lonard, Child Advocate,  Kansas Division of the Child Advocate, Office of Public Advocates.  (Attachment 4)  

There were no neutrals or opponents present.  The Chair closed the hearing on HB2299.

Representative Ousley noted that the correct rs number for "Community that Care" surveys introduced Monday, February 6, to be 23rs0891.