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March 15, 2025
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Minutes for HB2264 - Committee on Health and Human Services

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Enacting the no patient left alone act to allow in-person visitation to certain patients at hospitals, adult care homes and hospice facilities.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 7, 2023

Dr. Ryan Jacobsen, Private Citizen, provided testimony in support of HB2264 (Attachment 1). Evidence based medicine exists that demonstrates the negative effects on both patients and families/caregivers caused by social isolation that occurred as a result of the covid pandemic healthcare institutional visitor restrictions. Dr. Jacobsen provided several stories of individuals effected by deaths in their families without being able to be with the patient. Restricted visitation policies impacted coping and daily function and mental health outcomes of patients, families and health professionals. Dr. Jacobsen concluded by saying that the presence of family and caregivers at the bedside not only improved patient outcomes and reduced errors but alleviated severe emotional and mental anxieties.

Deann Feldt, Private Citizen, provided testimony in support of HB2264 (Attachment 2). Ms. Feldt provided her background information as a registered nurse. Stories related to patients in her hospital that died during the pandemic that were unable to have families be with them were provided to the committee. Ms. Feldt supports the decision to allow hospitals to implement their own visitation policies. A request was made to amend Section (2) to say "prohibit a person who is terminally ill or receiving end of life care from receiving in person visitation from, "at least" two individuals at a time." If someone is dying they should be able to have family around them.

The following provided written only testimony in support for HB2264:

Dr. Kimberly Megow/Dr. Gary Winfield, HCA Midwest Healthcare (Attachment 3)

Rachelle Colombo, Executive Director, Kansas Medical Society (Attachment 4)