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Feb. 22, 2025
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Minutes for SB112 - Committee on Public Health and Welfare

Short Title

Amending the scope of practice for registered nurse anesthetists to allow independent practice within the scope of the licensee's education and qualifications.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 16, 2023

Chairperson Gossage opened the hearing on SB112. Jenna Moyer, Staff Revisor gave an overview of the bill.

Kelly Gordon gave testimony in support of SB112. He stated he had been a practicing CRNA for 23 years and has not been able to practice to his full "scope" due to current archaic statute verbiage. Currently he must rely on the surgeons or dentists DEA to obtain the medications needed for anesthetic. In the anesthesia realm, the CRNA practicing independently, orders and administers the anesthesia plan that they have chosen for each individual patient to the full extent of their licensure. It would be wise to modify the verbiage to allow for the CRNA to take care of patients to the full extent of their scope of practice. (Attachment 15)

Jeff Glasgow spoke as a proponent of SB112. He said in his testimony that by allowing SB112 to pass, it will allow easier accessibility to medication purchasing and management (Attachment 16)

Scott Kaul gave proponent testimony for SB112 stating that SB112 removes practice barriers that currently result in delay of access to care, and increased cost, while assuring the CRNA has the capability in Kansas to function to the full extent of their training and education. (Attachment 17)

Rachelle Colombo gave opponent testimony against SB112 stating that the Kansas Medical Society does not support authorizing non--physicians to independently diagnose or prescribe medications for patients. We recognize the desire for CRNAs to have practice privileges which are consistent and commensurate with other categories of APRNs. She also said this could be accomplished by an amendment to KSA 65-1158. (Attachment 18)

Questions were asked by committee members.

Proponent, written only testimony was submitted by:

Eric Stafford, Kansas Chamber (Attachment 19)

Elizabeth Patton, Americans for Prosperity (Attachment 20)

Sam MacRoberts, Kansas Justice Institute (Attachment 21)

David Hart, DNP, CRNA, NSPM-C, Major, USA (ret) (Attachment 22)

Kyle Nevills, CRNA (Attachment 23)

Jeremy Salsbury, CRNA (Attachment 24)

Travis Oller, Kansas Chiropractic Association (Attachment 25)

Carol Moreland, Kansas State Board of Nursing (Attachment 26)

Jerome Greene, Occupational Health Services LLC (Attachment 27)

Linda Adams-Wendling, Kansas State Nurses Association (Attachment 28)

Corin Wilde, Wilde Foot & Ankle Clinic, PA (Attachment 29)

Lauren Short, Kansas Advance Practice Nurse Association (Attachment 30)

Brian Fleeman, Salt City Anesthesia (Attachment 31)

Opponent, written only testimony was submitted by:

Dr. Dena Hubbard, Kansas Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics (Attachment 32)

Neutral, written only was submitted by:

Courtney Cyzman, Kansas State Board of Healing Arts (Attachment 33)

Chairperson Gossage closed the hearing on SB112.

Chairperson Gossage adjourned the meeting at 9:20 a.m.  The next scheduled meeting is February 17, 2023.