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Minutes for HCR5005 - Committee on Federal and State Affairs

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Making application to the Congress of the United States to call a convention of the states to establish term limits for members of Congress.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 8, 2023

Chairperson Carpenter opened the hearing on HCR5005.  The Revisor provided an overview of the resolution (Attachment 1).  Questions were asked by Representatives Hoye and Jacobs.  Representative Jacobs requested information relating to the HCR on convention of states that was heard before this Committee in 2022.

Chairperson Carpenter recognized Shanna Chamblee as a proponent of HCR5005 (Attachment 2).  She stated that term limits would reduce the power and influence of special interest groups and lobbyists who often hold significant sway over long-serving Congresspeople.  Eighty-two percent of voters polled nationally are in favor of term limits.  Questions were asked by Representatives Sanders, Eplee, Ruiz, Jacobs, Sanders, and Houser.

Chairperson Carpenter recognized Les Chamblee who testified in favor of HCR5005 (Attachment 3).He stated that term limits would bring fresh perspectives to government by encouraging new leaders to step forward and engage in the political process.  The framers of the Constitution recognized the importance of being able to change our document as needed and provided for this through the amendment process.

Chris Keener testified in support of HCR5005 (Attachment 4).  He stated that term limits afford the people the opportunity to look at more people running for that seat.  Questions were asked by Representatives Jacobs, Ruiz, and Bryce.

Chairperson Carpenter recognized Shawn Meehan as an opponent to HCR5005 (Attachment 5).  He stated that our founding fathers never wanted to change the Constitution to make the government obey it.  They felt that it would be necessary for the states to be able to apply for necessary amendments and they were very clear that amendments address defects and do not control the reach of government power.  Questions were asked by Representatives Sanders, Eplee, Houser, Thomas, and Jacobs.

John Axtell testified as an opponent to HCR5005 (Attachment 6). He stated that term limits can work against what was intended.  The solution is to create grassroots movements to hold elected officials accountable to every vote they make.  Questions were asked by Representatives Eplee and Sanders.

The revisor stated that in response to a question asked by Representative Jacobs, there was a current resolution dealing with spending limits.  It went to the House floor, and there was an amendment dealing with whether the state constitution requires a two-thirds majority vote to pass a concurrent resolution.  The resolution died on the floor because it did not get the required 84 votes.

Chairperson Carpenter directed the Committee's attention to the written opponent testimony of Judi Caler (Attachment 7) (Attachment 7A); Joanna Martin, J.D. (Attachment 8); Robert Wood (Attachment 9); Blake Branson (Attachment 10); and Emily Hamburg (Attachment 11).

Chairperson Carpenter closed the hearing on HCR5005.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:18 a.m.