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Feb. 5, 2025
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Minutes for HB2111 - Committee on Taxation

Short Title

Establishing a 0% state rate for sales and use taxes for food and food ingredients, providing a sales tax exemption for children's diapers and feminine hygiene products, establishing the STAR bonds food sales tax revenue replacement fund, altering the calculation for STAR bond districts and discontinuing the food sales income tax credit.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 7, 2023

Chairperson Smith opened the hearing for HB2111.

Mr. Siebers provided an overview for HB2111 that makes changes to the calculations used for STAR bond districts, adjusts the date for the discontinuance of the food sales income tax credit, adjusts the date for the implementation of the 0% rate for sales and use tax on food and food ingredients and provides a sales tax exemption for children's diapers and feminine hygiene products.  Mr. Siebers stood for questions from Committee members. (Attachment 17)

Kathleen Smith provided an overview on the fiscal note for HB2111 noting the estimate would decrease state revenues by $40,656,000 in FY 2023 and by $301,830,000 in FY 2024.  Of those totals, the State General Fund is estimated to decrease by $44.3 million in FY 2023 and $293.0 million in FY 2024.  Ms, Smith stood for questions from Committee members. 


Representative Vic Miller, House District 58, testified as a proponent for HB2111 but requested a small amendment adding additional hygiene items to the proposed exemptions as listed in HB2162. (Attachment 18)

Allison Marker, YWCA Northeast Kansas, testified as a proponent for HB2111 that would provide crucial relief to the over 13,000 women and families we serve in Brown, Jackson, Shawnee and Wabaunsee counties. (Attachment 19)

Lindsay Weiss, I Support The Girls KC, testified as a proponent for HB2111 that would eliminate taxation on basic needs including food, diapers and period products. (Attachment 20)

Becca Houlehan, Leawood, Kansas, testified as a proponent for HB2111 stating according to the State of the Period 2021 Survey, one in four teens have missed school due to lack of access to period products, while one in four women struggle to purchase products forcing them to improvise or miss work.  (Attachment 21)

Micheala Miller, Citizen of Kansas, testified as a proponent for HB2111 who operates a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization to help alleviate period poverty within her community through the collection and distribution of menstrual products to local schools, healthcare facilities, libraries and other organizations that serve vulnerable populations. (Attachment 22)

Paige Olson, Kansas Appleseed, testified as a proponent for HB2111 would not only end the food sales tax this year, it also addresses two other important groups of items which are feminine hygiene products and children's diapers.  (Attachment 23)

Jon McCormick, Retail Grocers Association, testified as a proponent for HB2111 to expedite the reduction of the food sales tax in the State of Kansas and to include exempting those necessities at home, diapers, and feminine hygiene products. (Attachment 24)

The Conferees stood for questions from Committee members.

Written testimony was submitted by the following as proponents for HB2111:

Erica Andrade, ElCentro, Inc., (Attachment 25)

David Jordan, United Methodist Health Ministry Fund, (Attachment 26)

Susan Jagerson, Live Well Geary County, (Attachment 27)

Julia Nightengale, Wichita State student, (Attachment 28)

Ashley Allison, Happy Bottoms, (Attachment 29)

Mallory Moon, Park Hill High School, (Attachment 30)

Kosi Okugu, Student, Notre Dame de Sion, (Attachment 31)

Kate Wren, Student, Notre Dame de Sion, (Attachment 32)

Lucy Wittek, Student, Notre Dame de Sion, (Attachment 33)

Jessica McClellan, Giving Hope & Help, Inc., (Attachment 34)

Julie Brewer, United Community Services of Johnson County, (Attachment 35)

Jay Hall, Kansas Association of Counties, (Attachment 36)

Mark Manning, City of Wichita, (Attachment 37)

Tom Buller, Kansas Rural Center, (Attachment 38)

Miranda Miller-Klugesherz, Kansas Food Action Network, (Attachment 39)

Karen Siebert, Harvesters, Kansas Food Bank, (Attachment 40)

Sara Carrillo, Resident Liberal, Kansas, (Attachment 41)

Spencer Duncan, League of Kansas Municipalities, (Attachment 42)

Elizabeth Cunningham, Resident Kansas, (Attachment 43)

Laura Strausfield, Period Law, (Attachment 44)

Mike Floersch, Ray's Apple Markets, (Attachment 45)

Pat White, White's Foodliners, (Attachment 46)

Don Goldman, Jewish Family Services of Greater Kansas City, (Attachment 47)

Andy Sanchez, Kansas AFL -CIO, (Attachment 48)

Donna Ginther, Professor, University of Kansas, (Attachment 49)

Rachael McGinnis, KC Healthy Kids, (Attachment 50)

Jessa Farmer, Kansas Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Abuse, (Attachment 51)

Rebecca Metz, Sister of Charity of Leavenworth, (Attachment 52)

Chairperson Smith closed the hearing for HB2111.

Chairperson Smith adjourned the meeting at 5:03 p.m.