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Feb. 5, 2025
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Minutes for HB2093 - Committee on Insurance

Short Title

Discontinuing payments to certain group-funded insurance pools, refunding existing balances thereof and abolishing such funds and establishing the group-funded pools refund fund.

Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 6, 2023

Chairman opened the hearing on HB2093.

Eileen Ma, Revisor provided a briefing on the bill.(Attachment-3)


Eric Turek, Kansas Insurance Department provided testimony for the bill.(Attachment-4)

This bill repeals statutes that outline assessments, or fees, set by the Insurance Commissioner to cover the necessary costs of administration and supervision of group-funded pools and group-funded workers' compensation pools.  The Insurance Department has long determined this assessment is not necessary.  Currently there is $40,528 in the group-funded pools and $112,719 in the group-funded workers' compensation pools fee fund that have been sitting idle. This bill would discontinue these two fund pools and return the money back to the entities that paid into this fund.

Opponents: None

Neutral: None

Questions were asked and answered.

The Chairman closed the hearing on HB2093.