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Minutes for HB2170 - Committee on Federal and State Affairs

Short Title

Providing sampling rules for alcoholic liquor and cereal malt beverages for spirits distributors, wine distributors and beer distributors in regard to the amount of products used for samples for distributors, retailers and club and drinking establishment licensees.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 2, 2023

Chairperson Carpenter opened the hearing on HB2170.  The revisor provided an overview on the bill (Attachment 5)

Chairperson Carpenter recognized Jason Watkins as a proponent of HB2170 (Attachment 6).  He stated this bill pertains to samples provided by a licensed Kansas distributor to licensed liquor retailers, clubs and drinking establishments.  These samples cannot be given to their customers.  This legislation would match Kansas statute to the current federal regulations.  It takes the Trade and Tax Bureau (TTB) regulation and puts it into Kansas statute.  Their one request is that this law be effective upon publication in the State Register, and not the statute book.   A question was asked by Representative Moser.

Chairperson Carpenter recognized Tuck Duncan as a proponent of HB2170 (Attachment 7).  He stated that this bill will conform Kansas regulations regarding sampling among industry members with the federal trade practices.  This modification does not apply to consumer tastings.  Representatives Bryce and Humphries had questions for the conferee. 

Amy Campbell testified as a proponent on HB2170 (Attachment 8).  She stated that her organization supports this bill and being consistent with the TTB rules.  It makes it simpler for businesses to know where to look for the authority.  They have no concerns that distributors are going to provide every retailer with three gallons of beer to sample. 

Chairperson Carpenter recognized Debbi Beavers as a neutral on HB2170 (Attachment 9).  She stated that the ABC is neutral on this bill, but it is always in favor of syncing things up with federal law.  This is a good solution to the issue with this law. 

Chairperson Carpenter closed the hearing on HB2170

Representative Thomas asked if it would be appropriate to go ahead and work HB2170.  After discussion, Chairperson Carpenter stated that the bill would be worked next week. 

The meeting was adjourned at 9:39 a.m.