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Minutes for SB96 - Committee on Assessment and Taxation

Short Title

Establishing an income, privilege and premium tax credit for contributions to eligible charitable organizations operating pregnancy centers or residential maternity facilities.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 2, 2023

Revisor Amelia Kovar-Donohue provided a summary of the bill (Attachment 8)

Proponent in-person testimony: Bridgit Smith, Insight Women’s Center (Attachment 9)

Nate Bruns, Lifeline Children’s Services (Attachment 10)

Korbe Bohac, Insight Women’s Center (Attachment 11)

Donna Kelsey, Kansas City Pregnancy Center (Attachment 12)

Tim Quiggle, Embrace of Wichita, Inc. (Attachment 13)

Ruth Tisdale, Advice & Aid Pregnancy Center (Attachment 14)

Proponent written testimony: Leah Conner, Wyandotte Pregnancy Clinic (Attachment 15)

Jeanne Gawdun, Kansans for Life (Attachment 16)

Angela Johnson, Pregnancy & Family Center of SE Kansas (Attachment 17)

Brittany Jones, Kansas Family Voice (Attachment 18)

Samuel Lee, Campaign Life Missouri (Attachment 19)

Lucrecia Nold, Kansas Catholic Conference (Attachment 20)

Stacie, client of Advice & Aid (Attachment 21)

Alice Thompson, Heart Choices Pregnancy & Parenting Resource Center (Attachment 22)

Opponent written testimony: Katie Baylie, Planned Parenthood Great Plains Votes (Attachment 23)

Neutral testimony: None

Meeting adjourned at 10:26 AM