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Minutes for HB2105 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Pensions

Short Title

Enacting the Kansas earned wage access services act, establishing requirements, duties and prohibitions for persons engaged in earned wage access services and providing for the administration of such act by the office of the state bank commissioner.

Minutes Content for Mon, Jan 30, 2023

Chair Hoheisel opened the hearing on HB 2105, and recognized David, Wiese, Senior Assistant Revisor, Office of Revisor of Statutes, who provided an overview on HB 2105(Attachment1) A question and answer period followed.

Opponent - Chair Hoheisel recognized Ben LaRocco, Senior Director of Government Relations, EarnIn, who provided information in support of HB 2105(Attachment2) A question and answer period followed.

Neutral - Chair Hoheisel recognized Molly Jones, Vice President for Government Affairs, Payactiv, who provided neutral testimony (remotely) regarding HB 2105(Attachment3) A question and answer period followed.  Steve Schiffelbein, on behalf of a broad, bi-partisan coalition, Kansans for Payday Loan Reform provided neutral testimony on HB 2105(Attachment4) No questions presented to Mr. Schiffelbein.

Neutral written only - testimony on HB 2105, was provided by Brock Roehler, General Counsel, Office of the State Bank Commissioner (Attachment5)

Opponent - Chair Hoheisel recognized Ryan Naples, Senior Public Policy Manager, DailyPay, who provided opponent testimony on HB 2105. (Attachment6)  A question and answer period followed.

Chair Hoheisel closed the Hearing on HB 2105.