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Minutes for HB2024 - Committee on Child Welfare and Foster Care

Short Title

Expanding legal surrender of an infant to include infant refuge bassinets.

Minutes Content for Mon, Jan 23, 2023

The Chair opened the hearing on HB2024.   Assistant Revisor of Statutes, Jessie Pringle, briefed the committee on the contents of the Bill; an act amending the newborn infant protection act, K.S.A.38-2282. (Attachment 1)

Proponents of the bill gave the following testimony

Angie Malik provided committee members an informational packet on Safe Haven Baby Boxes and other related evidence to support this bill. The conferee presented copious documentation to support the use of safe haven baby boxes in an effort to change the outcome for mothers in crisis, seeking anonymity and for infants..(Attachment 2) (Attachment 3) (Attachment 4) (Attachment 5) (Attachment 6) (Attachment 7)

Chief T.J. Wyssmann, McPherson Fire Department via WebEx  testified this bill would allow options to the surrendering mother and promote awareness. (Attachment 8) (Attachment 9).

Neutral conferee, Russel Brien, Brien Law, outside law counsel to several federally recognized Indian tribes asked the committee to remain cognizant of the federal Indian Child Welfare Act when considering laws involving the surrender of tribal children (Attachment 10)

Written Only Testimony:

  • Laura Howard, Secretary, Department of Children and Families . (Attachment 11)

The following provided written-only opponent testimony:

  • Gregory Luce, Attorney, Adoptive Rights Organizations   (Attachment 12)
  • Marley Greiner, Executive Chair, Bastard Nation, Adoptive Rights Organization  (Attachment 13)    

The conferees stood for questions.  There were no opponents present.   The hearing on HB2024 was closed by the Chair at 3:00pm