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Minutes for HB2432 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
Short Title
Creating the Kansas pesticide waste disposal program and allowing up to $50,000 to be transferred annually from the Kansas agricultural remediation fund to a new Kansas pesticide waste disposal fund.
Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 12, 2020
Chairperson Kerschen opened the hearing on HB2432.
Tamera Lawrence of the Revisor of Statutes Office explained the bill. The bill, as amended by the Committee of the Whole, would establish a pesticide waste disposal program and would allow up to $50,000 be transferred annually from the Kansas Agricultural Remediation Fund to the Kansas pesticide waste disposal fund.(Attachment 1)
Randy Stookey testified in support of the bill. He told the committee that the program created by this bill would help to pay for the safe collection and disposal of pesticide waste materials and managed by the Kansas Department of Agriculture. He views the program as good industry stewardship and sound public policy.(Attachment 2)
Shahira Stafford spoke in favor of the bill. She believes that the members of her organization feel helping pay for the collection and disposal of pesticide waste materials is a valuable use of their dollars.(Attachment 3)
Zack Pistora testified in support of the bill. He believes this legislation is a thoughtful approach enabling farmers and businesses to put unused/unusable chemicals in their appropriate disposable location; not out in a field, down a drain, or other places that put our natural ecosystems, waters, or land at risk.(Attachment 4)
Kelsey Olson spoke as a proponent of the bill. She explained to the committee that the bill facilitates the proper disposal of unwanted pesticides by reducing the financial burden associated with the disposal and reduce the human exposure risk by having waste pesticides packaged and shipped by professionals. The bill will allow this important public service to continue without creating an additional tax burden on the public.(Attachment 5)
Written proponent testimony was submitted by:
Dwight Meyer-Kansas Soybean Association(Attachment 6)
John Donley- Kansas Farm Bureau(Attachment 7)
Josh Roe- Kansas Corn Growers Association(Attachment 8)
Kansas Department of Health and Environment(Attachment 9)
There was some discussion about pesticides. Some wondered how long it took a pesticide to expire. Questions were raised about the method of pesticide disposal. Kelsey Olson told the committee that the pesticide waste products were incinerated. That led to a question asking when these pesticides are incinerated, what materials are then put into the air?
Chairperson Kerschen closed the hearing on HB2432.