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Minutes for HB2462 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
Short Title
Updating provisions related to the Kansas department of agriculture division of conservation.
Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 10, 2020
Chairperson Kerschen opened the hearing on HB2462.
Tamara Lawrence of the Revisor of Statutes Office explained the bill. (Attachment 3)
Ken Titus testified in favor of the bill. He believes the adoption of this bill will clarify operation of the Division of Conservation and provide a much needed modernization of the Conservation Districts Law and related acts.(Attachment 4)
After a short question and answer period, Chairperson Kerschen closed the hearing on HB2462.
Senator Francisco asked that the committee revisit the minutes for February 17 which had been approved earlier in the meeting. She suggested a change in the minutes to reflect a change in the wording. She then moved and Senator Ware seconded to approve the minutes, as changed, for February 17. Motion carried.
With no further business before the committee, Chairperson Kerschen adjourned the meeting at 9:10.