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Minutes for HB2468 - Committee on Judiciary
Short Title
Changing the elements and making changes to the criminal penalties of abuse of a child and creating the crime of aggravated abuse of a child.
Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 24, 2020
Natalie Scott reviewed HB2468. She stood for questions.
Chairperson Patton asked if there were any amendments.
The staff passed out a proposed amendment and Representative Wheeler explained the amendment. (Attachment 2) Representative Wheeler accepted a friendly modification to add cruelly in front of additional elements. Representative Wheeler moved and Representative Garber seconded to amend HB2333. Motion carried. Affirmative votes recorded: Bergquist, Owens, Negative votes recorded: Highberger, Carmichael, Ohaebosim.
Representative Highberger moved to table the bill and Representative Carmichael seconded. Motion failed.
Further discussion continued. Representative Samsel recommend a conceptual amendment to clarify the act must be against a child under the age of eighteen. Jennings seconded. Motion carried.
Representative Owens moved to recommend HB2468 as amended favorably for passage and Representative Hoheisel seconded. Motion carried. Affirmative votes recorded: Highberger, Hoheisel, Bergquist, Owens.