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Minutes for HB2548 - Committee on Appropriations
Short Title
Claims against the state submitted by the Joint Committee on Special Claims Against the State.
Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 24, 2020
Chairman Waymaster called the meeting to order. He opened discussion on HB 2548 Claims Against the State.
Committee members received a copy of a technical amendment to the bill (Attachment 1)
Chairman Waymaster made a motion to approve the technical amendment to HB 2548. Representative Hoffman seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Representative Ralph made a motion to approve the amendment to add $1,817.82 for damages to a citizen's vehicle that was caused by a member of the Adjutant General's Department. Representative Helgerson seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Representative Hoffman made a motion for favorable passage of HB 2548 as amended. Representative Carlin seconded the motion. Motion passed.