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Minutes for HB2509 - Committee on Local Government
Short Title
Vacating certain blocks in the original town plat set aside for a college and a park of the city of Americus and vesting fee simple title in the city.
Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 12, 2020
The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
By motion of Representative Clark, second by Representative Howard, and unanimous vote of the Committee, the minutes for January 22 and February 4 were approved.
The Chair opened the hearing on HB2509.
Staff Mike Heim explained that the original platting for the city of Americus included a site for a college and a park. The bill allows the city to vacate those sites and sell the land.
Representative Schreiber, District 60, spoke as a proponent for the bill. He stated that the bill removes restrictions regarding the sites and allows the city of Americus, population 900, to relinquish ownership of the land. He referenced written testimony from Dustin Wright, Mayor, City of Americus (Attachment 1).
Amanda Stanley, General Counsel, League of Kansas Municipalities, testified in support of the bill (Attachment 2). She said the designated sites were frozen in time; the bill removes those restrictions and allows the city to sell the land.
Answering a question, Mr. Heim replied that the bill allows the city to convey the property to a buyer, who can then create a deed for the property.
The Chair closed the hearing on HB2509.