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Minutes for HB2500 - Committee on Judiciary
Short Title
Amending the Kansas power of attorney act regarding the form of a power of attorney and the duties of third parties relying and acting on a power of attorney.
Minutes Content for Tue, Jan 28, 2020
Natalie Scott provided an overview of HB2500. Ms. Scott stood for questions.(Attachment 5)
Mark Knackendoffel provided testimony in support of the bill. He explained the bill intended to address the problem of entities that immediately refuse to accept durable powers of attorney. Mr. Knackendoffel stood for questions. (Attachment 6)
Steve Karrer, provided testimony for the bill which was neutral. Mr. Karrer explained the language in the bill and does nothing to further the goal of HB2500, but puts the elderly, disabled, and other principals at risk of abuse. He stood for questions. (Attachment 7)
Written Opponent
- Randy Barbour, Legislative Co-Chair, Kansas Land Title Association. (Attachment 8)
Chairperson Patton directed the membership to look at the written opposing testimony in their bill folder.
Chairperson Patton closed the hearing on the bill.
Chairperson Patton said the committee would try to work HB2449 after tomorrow's hearing. He adjourned the meeting at 5:05 p.m.