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Minutes for HB2333 - Committee on Judiciary
Short Title
Allowing a court to make a finding that a final decree of adoption take effect at an earlier date.
Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 29, 2020
Natalie Scott provided an overview of HB233. Ms. Scott stood for questions. (Attachment 24)
Professor Gillian Chadwick provided testimony in support of the bill. Professor Chadwick stated the fundamental principal of law pertaining to child welfare law is promoting the best interest of the child. Kansas law repeatedly emphasizes this principal in child custody, adoption, and welfare states. This bill would support that fundamental principal. He stood for questions. (Attachment 25)
Rekha Sharma-Crawford and Lt. Col. Patrick Schreiber stood at the podium. Ms. Sharma-Crawford stated the amendment offered will allow Kansas judges who are in the best position to make sure that Kansas families are protected. The bill recognizes that harmony and equality are the hallmarks of domestic relations. It also recognizes the State of Kansas has specifically recognized the adoption of a child and the creating of a family, it should mean something special in every aspect possible. Sharma-Crawford (Attachment 26) P. Schreiber (Attachment 27)
Kathleen A. Harvey provided testimony in support of the bill. Ms. Harvey explained immigration and adoption cases are extremely complex for a lot of different reasons. Allowing a judge to make discretionary judgements will help give children back their lives. She urges the membership to understand that their charge and wisdom mean everything in changing the law to allow these cases to move forward. She stood for questions. (Attachment 28)
As the membership asked questions, Ms Harvey invited Ms Sharma-Crawford back to the stand to assist in addressing the questions.
Chairperson Patton directed the membership to refer to the written testimony provided in their bill packets.
Written Proponent
- Jason Fletes, Attorney, Beam-Ward, Kruse, Wilson & Fletes, LLC. (Attachment 29)
- Hyebin Schreiber, Citizen Adoptee (Attachment 30)
- Emily Howe Esq., Adoptee Rights Campaign (Attachment 31)
- Kathleen Irish, Attorney, Kathleen Irish LLC Law Office (Attachment 32)
Chairperson Patton closed the hearing on the bill.