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Minutes for HB2404 - Committee on Children and Seniors
Short Title
Establishing the Kansas senior services task force.
Minutes Content for Fri, Mar 22, 2019
Chairperson Concannon called for a hearing on HB2404. Kyle Hamilton gave an overview. Larry Campbell submitted a written fiscal note for the bill.(Attachment 4)
Cindy Luxem spoke in support of the bill saying that the need has been present for a long time and it is important to identify ways to address elder care. (Attachment 5)
Judy Bellome spoke in support of the bill stating the need for elder care will increase as our population ages. Creating this task force will bring together experts from across the state to consider problems and to work together on solutions to many aging issues.She also asked for AARP to be considered for the task force. (Attachment 6)
Karren Weichert spoke in support of the bill and explained Midland Care's PACE program, asking that a member from it be included on the task force. (Attachment 7)
Rachel Monger submitted written support for the bill stating that senior issues are of extreme importance to the state and are quite complex. The legislature needs the opportunity to explore them in-depth. (Attachment 8)
Mitzi McFatrich gave neutral support of the bill stating that the task-force is long overdue and very welcome. She stressed that the task force as the bill is written is weighted toward institutional caregivers over in-home caregivers. She listed several organizations that represent non-institutionalized Kansans and asked that they be considered for the task force. (Attachment 9)
Matt Fletcher gave neutral support of the bill stating that it is long overdue, but he recognized that Kansans with age-related illnesses were not represented on the task force. He would like to see the bill amended to include the concerns of intellectual and developmental disabilities. (Attachment 10)
Jamie Gideon gave neutral support of the bill because her group is in favor of a task force for senior issues, but they are concerned about the configuration of the task force. She asked for more balance by adding more consumer voices, including groups like the Alzheimer's Association. (Attachment 11)
With no other testimony, the hearing was closed at 2:57 PM.