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Minutes for HB2003 - Committee on Federal and State Affairs
Short Title
Creating the limited driver's license and identification card for certain individuals.
Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 20, 2019
Chairperson Barker opened the hearing on HB2003. Jason Long, Revisor, provided an overview of the bill (Attachment 1). Questions were asked by Representatives Ruiz and Houser and by Chairperson Barker.
Chairperson Barker recognized Representative Ponka-We Victors as a proponent on HB2003 (Attachment 2). She stated there were over 9,000 signatures on a petition asking for a hearing on this bill. This bill would provide a legal pathway for all Kansas residents, regardless of immigration status, to be properly educated on the traffic laws and will contribute to the overall safety and security of all drivers on Kansas roads. In response to a question from Chairperson Barker, she advised that 12 other states allow these driver's licenses. Chairperson Barker asked Legislative Research to find out how many citations are given in a year for not having a valid driver's license or insurance.
Representative John Alcala testified in support of HB2003 (Attachment 3). He stated that undocumented immigrants are already driving on our streets in unregistered vehicles without driver's licenses or insurance. He thinks we should give them the opportunity to get a driver's license so they can register and insure their vehicles. It will make our streets safer and it will help support the economy.
Chairperson Barker recognized Alex Martinez as a proponent of HB2003 (Attachment 4). He stated that driving in Kansas is an essential part of living. Licensed drivers are more knowledgeable about traffic laws, they buy insurance and register their vehicles, making the roadways safer. The licenses will help the police, first responders and health care providers identify these individuals and check their traffic records. Questions were asked by Chairperson Barker and Representatives Houser, Ruiz, and Smith.
Janice Bradley was recognized by Chairperson Barker as a proponent of HB2003 (Attachment 5). She stated that extending driving privileges to undocumented immigrants will require those individuals to take driver's tests, properly register their vehicles, and obtain insurance. Granting driver's licenses to all residents will improve public safety on our roads.
Chairperson Barker called on Carol Marisol Lara who testified in support of HB2003 (Attachment 6). She is 13 years old. She stated that lots of people drive without licenses and don't know the laws, which puts other lives at risk. She urges the Committee to pass this bill.
Maria Castro was recognized by the Chair as a proponent to HB2003 (Attachment 7). She stated that there are children who are brought into this country and this is where they have grown up. They would not be able to get an ID or other legal documents from the country where they were born. She believes everyone in this country should have a driver's license, whether or not they are a citizen.
Diosselyn Tot provided proponent testimony on HB2003 (Attachment 8). She stated that passage of this bill will open up social and economic opportunities for Kansas and its residents. It will also help avoid the separation of families.
Chairperson Barker recognized Luis Estrada who testified in favor of HB2003 (Attachment 9). He stated that for the undocumented members of society, a driver's license is not only a driver's license, it is proof that they exist. Passage of this bill will help Kansas prosper by making our roads safer and boost the economy.
Chairperson Barker asked Research to find out if the states that allow limited driver's licenses have compacts with other states.
Mitzi Pena testified in support of HB2003 (Attachment 10). She stated that the driver's licenses issued by the twelve states who currently allow them are only for identification purposes and as a permit to drive. They cannot be used for any federally-funded or related programs, for voting, or for boarding an airplane. In New Mexico the number of uninsured vehicles as decreased by 24% and the alcohol-related fatalities as decreased 32% simply because the drivers are being held accountable for their actions and are able to be tracked.
The Chair recognized Madai Rivera as a proponent of HB2003 (Attachment 11). She urges the Committee to pass HB2003 because it will increase the state's revenue, provide accurate traffic records to law enforcement and insurance companies, make our communities safer, increase the number of organ donors, and offer undocumented individuals an identity.
Representative Ruiz introduced Sergio Garcia Hofer from the Mexican Consulate. He testified about Mexico's new consular identification card (Attachment 12). No written testimony was provided.
A gentleman from the audience named Martin Garcia was recognized by Chairperson Barker. He testified in support of HB2003. Chairperson Barker directed him to provide written testimony, but no written testimony was submitted.
Chairperson Barker directed the Committee's attention to the written proponent testimony of Pedro Morales (Attachment 13); Rossy Ramos (Attachment 14); Guadalupe Magdaleno (Attachment 15); Laura Adame (Attachment 16); and Jessica Valenzuela (Attachment 17).
Chairperson Barker asked if there were any opponents to HB2003. Seeing none, he asked if there were any neutrals to the bill. There were none.
Representative Ruiz made some comments.
Chairperson Barker closed the hearing on HB2003.