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Minutes for HB2340 - Committee on Taxation
Short Title
Restricting distribution of certain property taxes paid under protest.
Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 14, 2019
Adam Siebers, Assistant Revisor, provided an overview on HB2340 stating the bill would prohibit county treasurers from distributing the portions of property taxes that are in dispute for certain residential and commercial property when taxes are paid under protest until the appeal process is final. The bill would apply to residential property with taxes exceeding the previous year's amount by $500. and commercial property exceeding$1,000. from the previous year's amount by.
Representative Baker, 68th District, testified as a proponent for HB2340 stating the taxpayer needs this bill noting years ago 100 percent of the amount was withheld from distribution and placed into escrow until the final appeal. In 2004, the law was changed so that the no disputed amount was placed in escrow, which the Representative contended was a mistake. No written testimony was provided.
Gary Reser, Kansas Soybean Association, testifying as a proponent, stated the intent of HB2340 is to prohibit county treasurers from distributing any portion of taxes that exceed the previous year's taxes and are under appeal until the appeal is finalized. The bill provides a favorable outcome for the property owner and the taxing authority (Attachment 1).
Randy Stookey, Kansas Grain and Feed Assn., Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Assn., and Renew Kansas Assn., testified as a proponent for HB2340 noting this amendment to Kansas law is a common sense, practical change that benefits both the property owner and the taxing authority (Attachment 2).
Written testimony was submitted by the following as proponents to HB2340:
Eric Stafford, Kansas Chamber, (Attachment 3).
Patrick Vogelsberg, Kansas Association of Realtors, (Attachment 4).
Jay Hall, Kansas Association of Counties testified as neutral to HB2340, (Attachment 5)
Trey Cocking , League of Kansas municipalities testified as neutral to HB2340. (Attachment 6).
Written testimony as neutral to HB2340 was submitting by John Smith, Kansas Legislative Policy Group, (Attachment 7).
Written testimony was submitted by the following as opponents for HB2340:
Linda Kizzire, Sedgwick County Treasurer, (Attachment 8).
Michael Koss, Overland Park City Hall, (Attachment 9).
Thomas Franzen, Johnson County Treasury and Financial Management (Attachment 10).
Vernon Reinking, Kansas County Treasurers Association (Attachment 11).
Shilo Heger, Riley County Treasurer (Attachment 12),
Hearing closed for HB2340.