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Minutes for HB2167 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
Short Title
Establishing a system for the transfer of certain deer hunting permits to nonresidents.
Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 13, 2019
Chairperson Kerschen opened the hearing on HB2167.
Tamera Lawrence of the Revisor of Statutes Office explained the bill.
Representative Ken Corbet testified in support of the bill. He believes that giving land owners the ability to transfer land owner deer permits to non-Kansas residents would encourage land owners to open up their lands to hunting to make a profit by selling the deer permit to an out of state hunter who would then hunt on the landowners property. This would in turn benefit local economies because the out of state hunters would spend money at local restaurants,motels, convenience stores, and other local businesses.(Attachment 1)
Representative Steve Johnson spoke in favor of the bill. He thinks that limiting deer permits to one per land owner and having a sunset to review how the program worked is a good idea. This will provide a chance to measure the impact and benefits of the program.(Attachment 2)
Joel Wimer testified in support of the bill. He believes that agricultural operators need to maximize and diversify their income by utilizing all the resources on their land. He also feels that the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism should not impede tourism in any way and he believes that limiting out of state hunting limits tourism dollars that come into the state.(Attachment 3)
Whitney Damron spoke in favor of the bill. In his opinion, the bill will provide an opportunity for some Kansas farmers and ranchers to make extra income by opening their land to more hunters. It will also expand tourism in Kansas from out of state hunters which will benefit the land owners as well as those involved in the travel and tourism industry. (Attachment 4)
John Donley testified in support of the bill. He explained that these are tough economic times for Farm Bureau members who are struggling with low commodity prices and trade issues. They welcome the opportunity to bring in outside revenue generated by transferable permits.(Attachment 5)
Tucker Stewart testified in favor of the bill. He explained that he supports the bill because it provides land owners and tenants an additional opportunity to facilitate a fee hunting experience with nonresidents of Kansas. It is not unusual for Kansas farmers and ranchers to rely on recreational services as an added and important part of their income. (Attachment 6)
Wes Traul spoke in support of the bill. He believes it will allow Kansas land owners to have the final word, not a state agency, on who has access to their property. This will enable them to become better managers of their farms and ranches for wildlife habitat.(Attachment 7)
Senator Caryn Tyson testified in favor of the bill. She believes that a transferable land owner permit would be good for the Kansas economy and encourage Kansas hunting. (Attachment 8)
Written testimony in proponent of the bill was submitted by Debbie-Lyons Blythe with Blythe Angus.(Attachment 9)
After a brief discussion, Chairperson Kerschen closed the hearing on HB2167 and adjourned the meeting at 9:30.