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Minutes for HB2238 - Committee on Local Government
Short Title
Sedgwick county urban area nuisance abatement act.
Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 25, 2019
The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and invited members to consider HB2238.
Representative Capps moved to consider the bill favorable for passage. The motion was seconded by Representative Howard.
Representative Ousley offered an amendment (Attachment 1).
Staff Mike Heim reviewed the amendments. Noting that the three amendments follow the recommendation of the Kansas Livestock Association conferee, he stated that the first amendment removes any body of water from the abatement process; the second adds a new sub-section to allow an owner to be reimbursed if the abatement removes property that has value. The third amendment exempts agricultural items from the bill.
Representative Ousley moved to approve the amendment; Representative Capps seconded the motion, and the Committee unanimously approved it.
Representative Curtis provided a brief explanation of the hearing/decision-making process for those listening over the Internet.
Representative Capps made a motion to recommend HB2238 as amended as favorable for passage. Seconded by Representative Howard, the motion passed.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 a.m. No further meeting was scheduled.