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Minutes for SB162 - Committee on Public Health and Welfare
Short Title
Requiring notification to the governor and legislature of missing foster care youth.
Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 21, 2019
Chairperson Suellentrop opened the hearing on SB162. Scott Abbott, Staff Revisor gave an overview of SB162.
Senator Baumgardner presented proponent testimony in support of SB162. She stated that has become quite clear that one of the challenges the legislature faces is having factual information about where Foster children are and aren't spending the night while under the custody of the state. Additionally, the scope of how many Foster children are missing and the regional locations of their out-of-home placements is not readily available. The passage of SB162 would assure the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch and the general public receive timely information about delays in out-of-home placement, for whatever reason, and children that have left their out-of-home placement. (Attachment 1)
She took questions from committee members.
Rebekah Gaston testified in opposition of SB162 as it is their position that it would violate confidentiality laws and place critical federal funding in jeopardy. (Attachment 2)
She took questions from the Committee.
Chairperson Suellentrop closed the hearing on SB162.