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Minutes for HB2362 - Committee on Veterans and Military

Short Title

Creating the Kansas military base task force.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 21, 2019

The hearing on HB2362 creating the Kansas military and veterans task force commenced with Assistant Revisor Jenna Moyer providing an overview of the bill for the committee, (Attachment 1)  Representative Croft testified to the purpose of the bill which, primarily, is to enhance the value of military installations and to support initiatives that will enhance the quality of life for military personnel, active and Kansas.(Attachment 2)

Gregg Burden, President, Kansas Commission on Veterans' Affairs' Office (KCVAO), related the KCVAO supports this bill; believes the task force will identify significant issues concerning military facilities, missions, military members and their families by standardizing how information is gathered and prioritizing options (Attachment 3).  Lt Col Dana Graf explained the neutral position of the Kansas National Guard regarding this bill.  No opponents were present.   A discussion period followed, Committee member concerns included expanding task force membership to include representation from Lansing  Manhattan, and Shawnee County.   The Chair was requested to have a conversation with the Speaker to determine the feasibility of sending this bill to an exempt committee then having it returned to the Veterans and Military Committee for final action.  The hearing was closed by the Chair.


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