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Minutes for HB2209 - Committee on Insurance
Short Title
Authorizing the state board of regents to purchase cybersecurity insurance.
Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 18, 2019
Blake Flanders testified in support of the bill. He said institutions of higher education possessed a wide array of personal information on students including health center data and financial information. State universities wished to collaborate on purchase of cybersecurity insurance to maximize the system's purchasing power or to access the product as a member of the Midwestern Higher Education Compact. He said currently K.S.A. 2018 Supp. 75-4101, et seq, generally prohibited state agencies from purchasing insurance except as provided in state law. Further, the Surety Bonds and Insurance Committee considered their procurement request last year and determined in January 2019 that they did not have the statutory authority to purchase insurance on the Board's behalf or grant an exemption to make the purchase. The bill would grant the Board an exemption so they could purchase the insurance (Attachment 4)
The members asked and were answered: whether the Board had funding for the insurance and the reason they needed insurance at this time.
Chairperson Vickrey asked if there were any other proponents, opponents or neutral parties who wanted to testify. There were none.
The chairperson closed the hearing on HB 2209.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:55 p.m.