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Minutes for HB2099 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Pensions
Short Title
Affiliation with the Kansas police and firemen's retirement system by the Kansas department of wildlife, parks and tourism for membership of certain law enforcement officers and employees.
Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 6, 2019
Chair Kelly opened the hearing on HB 2099, recognized David Wiese, Assistant Revisor of Statutes, who briefed the committee on HB 2099. (Attachment 13) A question and answer period followed.
Informational - Chair Kelly recognized Alan Conroy, Executive Director, KPERS who provided information regarding HB 2099. (Attachment 14) A question and answer period followed.
Proponents - Chair Kelly recognized the following Proponents of HB 2099 who shared with the committee their supporting points on the issue. Brad Loveless, Secretary, Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWP&T), (Attachment 15); Ryan Smidt, State Trustee, Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No. 59, (Attachment 16)
Proponents-written only - Chair Kelly recognized the following individuals who provided proponent-written only testimony on HB 2099. Sarah LaFrenz, President, Kansas Organization of State Employees (KOSE) (Attachment 17)
Opponents - None
Neutral - None
Chair Kelly closed the hearing on HB 2099.
Chair Kelly announced to the committee that Alan Conroy provided a written response to questions presented during the January 30, 2019 committee meeting related to School Employee Retirement and Social Security Contributions. (Attachment 18)
Chair Kelly announced the next House Financial Institutions and Pensions Committee is scheduled for Monday, February 11, 2019.
Chair Kelly adjourned the meeting at 10:20 am.