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Minutes for HB2063 - Committee on Taxation
Short Title
Tax lid exemption when taxing entity abolished and duties assumed by a city or county.
Minutes Content for Tue, Jan 29, 2019
Adam Siebers, Assistant Revisor provided an overview on HB2063 noting under the tax lid law if an entity, city or county absorbs another tax entity, the city or county can raise its budget level to the amount that the entity is absorbing. The City of Pratt can absorb an airport authority and can raise its budget by the corresponding amount the airport currently has.
Chairperson Johnson stated there is no fiscal impact for the State.
Representative Eplee testified as a proponent for HB2063 stating the bill is referred to as the "Pratt Airport Authority Bill." This bill is a companion bill to HB2628 passed last year. HB2628 grants the City of Pratt the ability to dissolve the Pratt Airport Authority if necessary in the future. HB2063 allows the Pratt Airport Authority Tax (capped at 4 mills) to be transferred to the City of Pratt without requiring a vote under the tax lid (Attachment 1).
Jay Hall, Kansas Association of Counties testified as a proponent for HB2063 stating the bill will not increase the taxing authority but combine the taxing authority along with governmental responsibilities. HB2063 updates the old law by creating an exemption to the tax lid enacted by the Legislature in 2015 (Attachment 2).
In response to a question, Mr. Hall stated the bill would allow the governing authority to transfer the taxing authority.
Patrick Vogelsberg, Kansas Association of Realtors testified as a proponent for HB2063 stating KAR was opposed to a similar bill in the 2018 Session but KAR worked with proponents to develop language reflected in HB2063 (Attachment 3).
Trey Cocking, League of Kansas Municipalities testified as a proponent for HB2063, stating last year the League and Kansas Association of Counties worked with opponents on the original bill HB2626 to develop a compromise allowing smaller units of government to dissolve into a city or county which is reflected in HB2063 (Attachment 4).
Written testimony was submitted by the following as a proponent to HB2063:
Representative Greg Lewis, 113th District (Attachment 5).
Roy Eckert, Pratt City Manager (Attachment 6).
Chairperson Johnson closed the hearing on HB2063.