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Minutes for HB2041 - Committee on Insurance
Short Title
Prohibiting certain unfair or deceptive acts or practices under a life insurance policy for a living organ donor.
Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 23, 2019
Chairperson Vickrey opened the hearing on HB 2041. Eileen Ma, Assistant Revisor of Statutes, provided an overview of the bill (Attachment 2).
John Monroe testified on behalf of Ron Hein in support of the bill. Mr. Monroe gave Ron Hein's personal story as a kidney recipient and said Hein's firm lobbies pro bono on behalf of the National Kidney Foundation(Attachment 3).
Sue Hendon testified in support of the bill. Ms. Hendon gave her personal story about becoming a kidney donor and said that she has led a full and active life with no health repercussions from donating a kidney. She provided anecdotal information about difficulties in obtaining life insurance after donation (Attachment 4).
Troy Zimmerman provided written testimony in support of the bill (Attachment 5).
Wendy Funk Schrag provided written testimony in support of the bill (Attachment 6).
The members questioned the conferees regarding: the donor and recipient selection process, the insurance companies' rational for higher insurance rates, how allegations of unfair trade practices would be regulated, and whether the bill would apply to living donors of other organs, such as liver.
There were no opponents to the bill present.
There being no other conferees or questions, Chairperson Vickrey closed the hearing on HB 2041.
Chairperson Vickrey adjourned the meeting at 4.15 p.m.