SB105 - Elections; cities; date for taking office.
SB116 - Elections; recognition of political parties; petitions.
SB129 - Allow voters to vote at any polling place within a county if approved by the county election officer.
SB130 - Substitute for Senate Bill No. 130 by Committee on Ethics, Elections and Local Government-Permitting persons voting an advance ballot to correct a signature deficiency prior to the final canvass.
SB131 - When township officials take the oath of office and the deadline for filing for municipal office when no primary is held.
SB132 - Election offenses; electioneering crime changes.
SB260 - Providing that the state pays the cost of a recount requested by a candidate for certain municipal office in certain close elections.
SB338 - Allow municipalities to adopt an alternate budget procedure.
SB351 - Ensuring that the votes of voters whose names do not appear in the poll book and are otherwise eligible to vote are counted.
SB389 - Adding a definition of "purposes of sepulture" to the law dealing with cemetery corporation.
SB412 - Permanent advance voting status extended to any registered voter but such status will end if two consecutive elections are missed.