Senate Utilities Committee Agenda for 2/20/2007

Hearing on SB 325 - State corporation commission jurisdiction over gas gathering systems.

Steve Rome, Grower Proponent
Ron Oliver, Grower
Richard Wenstrom, Grower
Ed Peterson, Attorney Kansas Corngrowers Proponent
Frank Caro, Attorney PEK Irrigators Proponent
Terry Holdren, Kansas Farm Bureau Proponent
Written testimony only - Lon Stanton, Northern Natural Gas Company Proponent
Allie Devine of Kansas Livestock Assn Proponent

Committee Members

Jay Emler (449-N, 296-7354) Chair
Pat Apple (242-E, 296-7380) Vice Chair
Janis Lee (162-E, 296-7366) Ranking Minority

Marci Francisco (422-S, 296-7364)
Mike Petersen (242-E, 296-7355)
Roger Pine (142-N, 296-7372)
Dennis Pyle (120-S, 296-7379)
Roger Reitz (261-E, 296-7360)
Mark Taddiken (222-E, 296-7371)


Raney Gilliand, Legislative Research Department (785-296-7878)
Mike Corrigan, Revisor of Statutes' Office (785-296-3297)
Ann McMorris, Committee Secretary (785-296-7354)


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