Approved: 4-3-07



The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Nick Jordan at 8:00 A.M. on February 21, 2007 in Room 123-S of the Capitol.

All members were present.

Committee staff present:

Amy Deckard, Kansas Legislative Research Department

Kathie Sparks, Kansas Legislative Research Department

Norm Furse, Revisor of Statutes

Mike Heim, Revisor of Statutes

Jackie Lunn, Committee Assistant

Conferees appearing before the committee:

            Dr. Dean Cholick, Director of K-State Research and Extension Service

SB 193--State debt limitations and procedures

SB 260--Prohibitions on employing or contracting with illegal aliens as part of a public contract for services

SB 71--Repealing the minimum wage law

SB 316--Codifying STAR bond financing separately from tax increment financing

SB 12--County extension council's educational programs in community and resource



Others attending:

See attached list.

Chairperson Jordan called the Committee’s attention to SB 316 and introduced Mike Heim, Revisors Office, to explain the first amendment (Attachment 1) During and after Mr. Heim’s explanation there were questions and discussion.

Senator Brownlee made a motion to accept all balloons Mr. Heim explained along with Gary Anderson’s new section 9. Senator Reitz seconded. Motion carried.



Senator Brownlee made a motion to add personal property back in on page 4, should read “shall not include (add) personal property tax”. Senator Teichman seconded. Motion carried.

Senator Barone made an amendment to add conceptually the transition for the Manhattan and Schlitterbaun projects language in the bill. Senator Reitz seconded. Motion carried.

Chairperson Jordan turned the Committee’s attention to an amendment from the Revisor (Attachment 2) that would add language on Page 3 line 3, (1) “which may be publicly or privately owned or leased to a private entity”, regarding parking facilities.

Discussion followed

Chairperson Jordan introduced Gary Anderson, Gilmore & Bell, to offer his amendment to SB 316.

(Attachment 3) Mr. Anderson explained the amendment. His amendment would add multilevel parking facilities, auto race track facility and museum facility to the list of facilities that could be

MINUTES OF THE Senate Commerce Committee at 8:30 A.M. on February 21, 2007 in Room 123-S of the Capitol.

financed with STAR Bonds.

Discussion followed.

Senator Barone made a motion to add on page 2, to prohibit costs; “travel, entertainment and hospitality”. Senator Brownlee seconded. Motion carried.

Senator Brownlee made a motion to add Biosciences on Page 2, line 6. Seconded by Senator Emler. Motion carried.

Discussion followed regarding definitions.

Senator Brownlee made a motion to adopt the amendment of the Revisor for the definition of stadium and strike “not limited to” and to put “multi-sport” back in; and to accept the change on page 3, line 1 to add “which may be publicly or privately owned or leased to a private entity”. Senator Teichman seconded.

Discussion followed.

Motion carried.

Discussion followed.

Senator Brownlee made a motion to take out #17 and adopt the Anderson balloon and add incubator language and strike museum. Senator Barone seconded. Motion carried with Senator Kelly and Senator Reitz voting “no”.

Discussion followed.

Senator Brownlee made a motion to make a substitute bill and move it out favorably as amended. Senator Teichman seconded. Motion carried.

Chairperson Jordan turned the Chair over to Senator Brownlee. Chairperson Brownlee discussed SB 260 with the Committee and it was decided not to bless the bill and request an interim. The balloon offered by a business coalition included criminal penalties for employers which needs more study.

Chairperson Brownlee called the Committee’s attention to SB71. A discussion followed with the Committee and it was decided to have the bill blessed.


Chairperson Brownlee called the Committee’s attention to SB 193. Chairperson Brownlee introduced Steve Weatherford, KDFA, to explain the balloon he offered on SB 193. Mr. Weatherford presented written copy. (Attachment 4) He stated that Kansas is an appropriation state and Florida is a state that issues general obligation debt. The bill was fashioned after the Florida statute and he felt changes needed to be made in the bill.

Discussion followed.

Senator Emler made a motion to adopt the KDFA balloon deleting (7) on page 2. Senator Schodorf seconded. Motion carried.

Senator Teichman made a motion to move the bill out favorably as amended. Senator Wagle seconded. Motion carried.

Chairperson Brownlee opened the hearing on SB 12 and explained the bill. Chairperson Brownlee introduced Dr. Cholick to give his testimony as a neutral party of SB 12. He presented written copy. (Attachment 5) Dr. Cholick gave a brief history of the extension service and described the

MINUTES OF THE Senate Commerce Committee at 8:30 A.M. on February 21, 2007 in Room 123-S of the Capitol.

relationship between Kansas State Research and Extension and Kansas State University’s Center for Engagement and Community Development. In closing, he stated the Kansas State Research and Extension has and will continue to serve as a vehicle to enhance the standard of living and quality of like for the citizens of Kansas as portrayed by their motto “Knowledge for Life”.


Chairperson Brownlee stated the point of the bill is to reduce duplication in government. She stated the intent of the bill is if governmental entities are doing economic development in certain areas then the extension service is not forced to do economic development by statute in those same areas.

Questions and discussion followed.

Chairperson Brownlee closed the hearing on SB 12 and stated the Committee would not get to SB 333 and would have the bill blessed to give parties more time to work on the negotiations.

Chairperson Brownlee stated that SB 156 would be blessed and she will put it in a subcommittee.

Chairperson Brownlee adjourned the meeting at 9:30 a.m. with the next scheduled meeting February 28th at 8:30 a.m. in room 123 S.