- Rep. Alcala
- Rep. Alford
- Rep. Anthimides
- Rep. Ballard
- Rep. Barker
- Rep. Barton
- Rep. Becker
- Rep. Billinger
- Rep. Boldra
- Rep. Bollier
- Rep. Bradford
- Rep. Bruchman
- Rep. Burroughs
- Rep. Campbell
- Rep. Carlin
- Rep. Carmichael
- Rep. W. Carpenter
- Rep. B. Carpenter
- Rep. Claeys
- Rep. Clark
- Rep. Clayton
- Rep. Concannon
- Rep. Corbet
- Rep. Curtis
- Rep. E. Davis
- Rep. DeGraaf
- Rep. Dierks
- Rep. Doll
- Rep. Dove
- Rep. Edmonds
- Rep. Esau
- Rep. Estes
- Rep. Ewy
- Rep. Finch
- Rep. Finney
- Rep. Francis
- Rep. Frownfelter
- Rep. Gallagher
- Rep. Garber
- Rep. Gartner
- Rep. Goico
- Rep. Gonzalez
- Rep. Grosserode
- Rep. Hawkins
- Rep. Hedke
- Rep. Helgerson
- Rep. Hemsley
- Rep. Henderson
- Rep. Henry
- Rep. Hibbard
- Rep. Highberger
- Rep. Highland
- Rep. Hildabrand
- Rep. Hill
- Rep. Hineman
- Rep. Hoffman
- Rep. Houser
- Rep. Houston
- Rep. Huebert
- Rep. Hutchins
- Rep. Hutton
- Rep. Jennings
- Rep. Johnson
- Rep. D. Jones
- Rep. K. Jones
- Rep. Kahrs
- Rep. Kelley
- Rep. Kelly
- Rep. Kiegerl
- Rep. Kleeb
- Rep. Kuether
- Rep. Lewis
- Rep. Lunn
- Rep. Lusk
- Rep. Lusker
- Rep. Macheers
- Rep. Mason
- Rep. Mast
- Rep. McPherson
- Rep. Merrick
- Rep. Moxley
- Rep. O'Brien
- Rep. Osterman
- Rep. Ousley
- Rep. F. Patton
- Rep. Pauls
- Rep. Peck
- Rep. Phillips
- Rep. R. Powell
- Rep. Proehl
- Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources Budget
- Committee on Appropriations
- Committee on Calendar and Printing
- Committee on Children and Seniors
- Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development
- Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice
- Committee on Education
- Committee on Education Budget
- Committee on Elections
- Committee on Energy and Environment
- Committee on Federal and State Affairs
- Committee on Financial Institutions
- Committee on General Government Budget
- Committee on Health and Human Services
- House Committee on Special Committee on All Day Kindergarten
- Committee on Insurance
- Committee on Insurance and Financial Institutions
- Committee on Interstate Cooperation
- Committee on Judiciary
- Committee on Legislative Budget (House)
- Committee on Local Government
- Committee on Pensions and Benefits
- Committee on Rules and Journal
- Committee on Social Services Budget
- Committee on Taxation
- Committee on Transportation
- Committee on Transportation and Public Safety Budget
- Committee on Utilities and Telecommunications
- Committee on Veterans, Military and Homeland Security