House Status:
Senate Status:
Senate Status:
Contact Information
KLRD is a nonpartisan staff agency that serves both the House and Senate under the auspices of the Legislative Coordinating Council (KSA 46-1210). Staff are assigned to standing and special Legislative committees and provide policy and fiscal analysis for those committees and individual legislators.
KLRD staff contacts and assignments
- Raney L. Gilliland, Director
- J. G. Scott, Assistant Director for Fiscal Affairs
- Melissa Calderwood-Renick, Assistant Director for Research
- Amy Deckard, Assistant Director for Information Management
Additional Staff Information
- Research Department Staff Contacts
Staff Subject, Budget and Appropriations Assignments
Research Department Picture Directory
Legislative Fiscal Analyst Assignments by Analyst - FY2017
Legislative Fiscal Analyst Assignments by Agency - FY2017
Functionality for the Research section of the LI will be developed in the future. For publications and other content, please visit the Kansas Legislative Research Department home page.