HB2351 - Appropriations for DD waiver for FY 2014 and 2015.
HB2354 - Ethics commission; fees.
HB2359 - Plant protection; live plant dealer's licenses.
HB2371 - Low-income family postsecondary savings accounts incentive program; elimination of program.
HB2375 - School sports head injury prevention act.
HB2377 - Relating to court fees and costs; judicial branch surcharge fund.
HB2380 - Three-year phase in of cost-of-living adjustment for certain retired members of KPERS.
HB2381 - Election campaign finance; removing certain limitations to contributions made during legislative sessions.
HB2384 - On July 1, 2013, all new hires and state agency attorneys, supervisors and positions that perform information technology functions are unclassified; certain exceptions.
HB2391 - School finance; amount of tax levy authorized to finance ancillary school facilities.
HB2392 - School finance; use of capital outlay funds.
HB2395 - Insurance; coverage for autism spectrum disorder.
HB2396 - Establishing procedures for identifying state surplus real estate and the disposition thereof; also authorizing certain Emporia State University and University of Kansas real estate transfers.
HB2402 - National day of the cowboy.
HB2403 - Issuing $1,500,000,000 of pension obligation bonds to finance a portion of the unfunded actuarial liability of KPERS.