HB2078 - State schools for the deaf and blind; authorization to contract for training programs year round.
HB2079 - Authorizing transportation of students residing on Fort Leavenworth military reservation.
HB2090 - Providing bus transportation for school children subjected to hazardous walking conditions.
HB2100 - School districts; finance; supplemental general state aid; consolidated districts.
HB2191 - Concerning school districts; relating to teachers.
HB2193 - Substitute for HB 2193 by Committee on Education -Providing authority for a school district to adopt a local activities budget.
HB2200 - Concerning school districts; relating to state aid for capital improvements and capital outlay.
HB2201 - Providing authority for a school district to adopt a local activities budget.
HB2202 - Nontraditional teacher licensure program.
HB2203 - Allowing expenditures for general operating expenses from certain school district funds.
HB2234 - Creating the early high school graduation scholarship program.
HB2245 - Retaining students from grade-level promotion if not proficient on the reading state assessment for grade 3.
HB2251 - Terminating state aid for out-of-state pupils.
HB2269 - School districts; finance; amendments to funding formula.
HB2270 - Funding costs of nonproficient pupils not covered by general state aid from local funds.