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Minutes for HB2608 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
Short Title
Authorizing the animal health commissioner to adopt rules and regulations to administer the poultry disease control act and to establish an annual participation fee not to exceed $50 for participation in the national poultry improvement plan, a certification fee not to exceed $50 for persons performing testing and diagnostic services and a testing fee not to exceed $100 per visit to each location participating in the plan.
Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 20, 2024
Tamera Lawrence gave an overview of HB2608.(Attachment 1)
Joshua McGinn, Assistant Secretary, Kansas Department of Agriculture (KDA) gave proponent testimony on the bill. (Attachment 2)
Poultry and egg production generate $82.9 million annually and processing generates $35.6 million in actual output. HB2608 would enable KDA to assess a participant fee for any entity or person who wants to voluntarily participate in the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP). Program fees would not exceed $50.00 annually. They estimate that it would bring in $18,250 per year. Testing and diagnostic services pertaining to NPIP would be assessed a visitation fee not to exceed $100.00 per location.
Mr. McGinn stood for questions.
Taylor Nikkel, Director of the Stockgrowers Division, Kansas Livestock Association (KLA) gave proponent testimony on the bill. (Attachment 3)
HB2608 would help to cover agency costs relating to poultry programs with the state that are currently being funded through the animal disease control fund..The poultry industry does not have to pay fees into the animal disease control fund. Fees collected from cattle and swine operations are being utilized to help provide them with this service.
Ms. Nikkel stood for questions.
Chairman Peck closed the hearing on HB2608 at 8:58 am.