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Minutes for HB2527 - Committee on Utilities
Short Title
Establishing cost recovery mechanisms for public utilities that construct certain electric generation facilities, revising the determination of rate base, capital structure and return on equity in utility rate proceedings and revising the provision of economic development electric rates.
Minutes Content for Mon, Mar 18, 2024
The Chair opened the hearing on HB2527.
Nick Myers gave an overview of the bill. (Attachment 1)
Darrin Ives, Evergy, testified in support of the bill and focused his remarks on the compromises made by many parties while working this bill during the session. The conferee stood for questions. (Attachment 2)
Michael Gavoli, Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council, provided written testimony in support of the bill. (Attachment 3)
Whitney Damron, Empire District Electric Company, provided written testimony in support of the bill. (Attachment 4)
Eric Stafford, Kansas Chamber, provided written testimony in support of the bill. (Attachment 5)
Kevin Walker, Overland Park Chamber of Commerce, provided written testimony in support of the bill. (Attachment 6)
D. Mitch Robinson, Kansas Economic Development Alliance, provided written testimony in support of the bill. (Attachment 7)
Ann Smith-Tate, Shawnee Chamber of Commerce, provided written testimony in support of the bill. (Attachment 8)
Debra Teufel, Hutchinson/Reno County Chamber of Commerce, provided written testimony in support of the bill. (Attachment 9)
Juliet Abel, Greater Topeka Chamber, provided written testimony in support of the bill. (Attachment 10)
Katrina Abraham, Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce, provided written testimony in support of the bill. (Attachment 11)
Russell Kennedy, IBEW 124, provided written testimony in support of the bill. (Attachment 12)
Jason Watkins, Wichita Regional Chamber of Commerce, provided written testimony in support of the bill.(Attachment 13)
Justin Grady, Kansas Corporation Commission, testified as a neutral conferee on the bill because previous concerns they had with the bill were resolved through a stakeholders' session when the bill was in the House. The conferee stood for questions. (Attachment 14)
Paul Snider, Kansas Industrial Consumers Group and Kansans for Lower Electric Rates, testified as a neutral conferee on the bill because the organization also was able to resolve some of their concerns through the stakeholders' session. He suggested an amendment if the committee works the bill later. The conferee stood for questions. (Attachment 15)
David Nickel, Citizens' Utility Ratepayer Board, testified as a neutral conferee on the bill and stated that with this bill they could start to to talk about regulatory construct and try to make that better fit the economic and regulatory issues we are facing. The conferee stood for questions. (Attachment 16)
Zack Pistora, Kansas Sierra Club, provided neutral testimony on the bill. (Attachment 17)
The Chair closed the hearing on HB2527.
Meeting adjourned at 2:32.