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Feb. 22, 2025
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Minutes for HB2189 - Committee on Child Welfare and Foster Care

Short Title

Granting jurisdiction to the court to extend custody of non-minor dependents to the secretary for children and families.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 20, 2024

Chair Concannon opened discussion for final action on HB2189.

Jessie Pringle, Assistant Revisor, Kansas Office of Revisor of Statutes, reviewed HB2189 for the committee.

Chair Concannon offered a balloon amendment to the bill. (Attachment 2). Revisor Pringle explained the amendment. The first balloon would insert "allowing the secretary to provide reentry services to certain young adults;" to the introduction. The second change inserted a new Section 1 outlining conditions for an eligible young adult to request reentry services. All sections of the bill were to be renumbered accordingly.

Discussion followed regarding extension of services to a child already under jurisdiction,not requiring a court order to reenter the system, ending services at age 21, fiscal notes, and contrasting with the SOUL bill (HB2536).

Chair Concannon made a motion to amend HB2189. Representative Ousley seconded. There was no further discussion. Chair Concannon closed on her motion. Motion carried.

Representative Johnson made a motion to pass out favorably HB2189 as amended. Representative Ousley seconded.

There was discussion by the representatives over parallels to SOUL.

Representative Waggoner made a motion for a conceptual amendment to put a five-year sunset on the bill, seconded by Representative Pickert. There was discussion on the motion to amend to a five-year sunset. Representative Waggoner closed on his motion. Motion carried.

There was discussion that both sections of the bill had been amended since introduction. Jessie Pringle asked the committee to reconcile the amendments.

Representative Johnson made a motion to give the revisor this leeway for reconciliation. Representative Ousley seconded. There was no discussion. Representative Johnson closed on his motion. Motion carried.

Representative Johnson moved to pass HB2189 favorably as amended. Representative Ousley seconded. There was no further discussion. Representative Johnson closed on his motion. Motion carried.