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Minutes for HB2834 - Committee on Insurance
Short Title
Transferring officers, employees, powers, duties and functions relating to the state health care benefits program from the division of the state employee health benefits plan of the department of administration to the insurance department, establishing the commissioner of insurance as the chairperson of the Kansas state employees health care commission, providing that all management functions of such commission be administered by the commissioner of insurance and eliminating a pilot program regarding employer contributions for certain children.
Minutes Content for Mon, Mar 18, 2024
The Chair opened the hearing on HB2834. Assistant Revisor Weise gave an overview of the bill and stood for questions. (Attachment 13)
Proponents appearing before the committee included:
- Barb Wasinger, State Representative, District 111 (Attachment 14).
Representative Wasinger cited a personal issue encounted with the State Employees Health Care Plan (SEHP). believes it is logical to move SEHP to the Kansas Insurance Department.
- Courtney Younglove (Attachment 15).
Ms. Younglove gave testimony to on going problems encountered with SEHP, including systematic denial of coverage by a related Insurance carrier, complex coding issues; supports this bill, believing it is in the peoples best interest to move the leadership and oversight of SEHP into the hands of an organization staffed by people with experience and knowledge of the field of medicine and the insurance industry.
- Patrick Fields (Attachment 16)
Mr. Fields believes that moving SEHP to the Kansas Department of Insurance will ensure compliance with federal parity laws.
No neutrals were present.
The following gave opponent testimony:
- Adam Proffit (Attachment 17)
The Chair closed the hearing on HB2834.
The Chair closed the meeting at 5:30.