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Feb. 5, 2025
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Minutes for HB2578 - Committee on Public Health and Welfare

Short Title

Providing that programs and treatments provided by a certified community behavioral health clinic be granted a renewal certification if such programs and treatments have been previously certified or accredited.

Minutes Content for Mon, Mar 18, 2024

Chairperson Gossage opened the hearing on HB2578.

Eileen Ma, Staff Revisor gave an overview of the bill. (Attachment 19) There were no questions.

Kyle Kessler testified in support of HB2578. (Attachment 20)  He said that HB2578 will keep the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs) up to date with changes at the national level for CCBHCs and mirrors what is in statute for Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs) already. Furthermore, the bill would clarify what is believed to have been the original legislative intent to allow only licensed CMHCs to be certified as CCBHCs.

Tim DeWeese spoke in support of HB2578. (Attachment 21) He stated that the legislation passed by the Kansas Legislature in 2021 to implement the CCBHSC model in Kansas has been a game-changer for community mental health centers. He said that by tying recertification as a CCBHC to a national accreditation like Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), this bill would provide for a streamlined recertification process, while also ensuring we stay up to date with future changes to national criteria.

Joan Tammany gave proponent testimony. (Attachment 22) She stated that COMCARE became provisionally certified as a CCBHC in May 2021. That journey was embraced knowing that it would take time and tremendous effort and focus to scale up and meet certification criteria. She stands in support of HB2578 that would allow only licensed CMCHs to be certified as CCBHCs as originally intended in the 2021 legislation.

Robbin Cole testified as a proponent of HB2578.  (Attachment 23) She stated that it is important to allow the CMHCs which are transitioning to CCBHC status to stabilize under the new model and be fully operational before adding additional providers, resulting in the duplication of services at additional cost to the state.

They took questions from committee members.

Written only, proponent testimony was submitted by:

Greg Hennen, Executive Director, Four County Mental Health Center (Attachment 24)      

Matt Atteberry, Executive Director-Administrator, Labette Center for Mental Health Services Inc. (Attachment 25)

Leah Fliter, Assistant Executive Director, Kansas Association of School Boards (Attachment 26)

Stuart Little spoke as an opponent of HB2578 (Attachment 27)

Angela Henrick gave testimony against HB2578 (Attachment 28)

Opponent, Written only testimony was submitted by:

Lori Alvarado, Executive Director, DCCCA, Inc. (Attachment 29)

Andy Brown gave neutral testimony on HB2578 (Attachment 30)

Sonja Bachus gave neutral testimony on HB2578 (Attachment 31)

Questions were asked by committee members.          

Chairperson Gossage closed the hearing on HB2578.