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Minutes for SB489 - Committee on Public Health and Welfare
Short Title
Directing the department of corrections to establish a correctional center nursery for incarcerated expectant mothers and their child to allow certain expectant mothers to care and bond with their child for up to 36 months while incarcerated.
Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 19, 2024
Chairperson Gossage opened the hearing on SB489.
Eileen Ma, Staff Revisor gave an overview of the bill. (Attachment 9) She took questions from committee members.
Senator O'Shea testified in support of SB489. She stated that The Topeka Correctional Facility (TCF) is the state's only women's prison. If SB489 is passed, Kansas would become the 11th state to have a nursery program in their prison (Attachment 10)
Gloria Geither spoke as a proponent of SB489. She testified that Kansas Department of Corrections (KOC) fully supports SB489 at the Topeka Correctional Facility with Senator O'Shea's amendments. KOC is committed to building a new unit for this purpose and increase staffing to allow the resident to continue her programs while still allowing her to bond with her child. (Attachment 11)
Brenda Bandy gave testimony in support of SB489. She said that nursery programs in prison reduce recidivism; have better longer-term developmental outcomes; are cost saving and have healthier moms. (Attachment 12)
Abriona Markham testified in support of SB489. She stated that SB489 offers hope and connection that the mothers and babies may not have had otherwise. (Attachment 13)
Teresa Tuchscherer spoke in support of SB489. She said that the moms that have access to an onsite facility have a purpose when they are released and have a connection to their child. They are less likely to return to drug use. (Attachment 14)
They took questions from committee members.
Written only, proponent testimony was submitted by:
Tammy Wallin, Kansas Association for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (Attachment 15)
Jeanette Grenz, Treasurer, Ministry to Incarcerated Families (Attachment 16)
Kelson Bohnet, Capital Public Defender, Kansas Death Penalty Defense Unit (Attachment 17)
Kirsten Price, Retreat Coordinator, Ministry to Incarcerated Families (Attachment 18)
Adrienne Olejnik, Vice President, Kansas Action for Children (Attachment 19)
Kathy Damron, Community Volunteer (Attachment 20)
Dena Hubbard, MD, FAAP (Attachment 21)
Brittany Jones, Attorney and Director of Policy and Engagement, Kansas Family Voice (Attachment 22)
Gail Cozadd, CEO, Kansas Children's Service League (Attachment 23)
Dr. April N. Terry, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice, FHSU (Attachment 24)
Lucrecia Nold, Public Policy Specialist, Kansas Catholic Conference (Attachment 25)
Jessica Lenherr, President & CEO, United Way of Kaw Valley (Attachment 26)
Monica Pyles, Individual (Attachment 27)
Tracy Russell, Executive Director, Nurture KC (Attachment 28)
Written only, Neutral testimony was submitted by:
Sharla Smith, Founder &I Director, Kansas Birth Equity Network (Attachment 29)
Chairperson Gossage closed the hearing on SB489.