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Feb. 22, 2025
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Minutes for HB2189 - Committee on Child Welfare and Foster Care

Short Title

Granting jurisdiction to the court to extend custody of non-minor dependents to the secretary for children and families.

Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 19, 2024

Chair Concannon opened HB2189 for an additional hearing. The bill was previously heard on February 13, 2023. The committee had paused on HB2189 pending outcome of the SOUL bill HB2536.

Jessie Pringle, Assistant Revisor, Kansas Office of Revisor of Statutes, gave an overview of HB2189 for the committee (Attachment 1) with an amendment. (Attachment 2)

Representative Adam Thomas, District 26, gave proponent testimony.  (Attachment 3)

Stacy Tidwell, Deputy Director of Youth Programs, Kansas Department for Children and Families gave neutral testimony but asked the committee to consider an amendment to forgo direct court involvement and allow eligible young adults to work with Department for Children and Families staff and request re-entry services. (Attachment 4)

Rachel Marsh, Chief Executive Officer, Children's Alliance of Kansas, gave proponent testimony. (Attachment 5)

Chair Concannon closed the rehearing on HB2189.